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Benefit Spleen, Stomach, Intestine & Anorectal

Ingredients: Tao Ren, Huo Ma Ren, Dao Zi Ren, Yu Li Ren, Song Zi Ren, raw Di Huang, Chen Pi, Rou Cong Rong, Shu Da Huang, Dang Gui.

Indications: nourishing yin and blood, moistening intestines and benefiting stools, digesting food, and resolving stasis. It can be used for dry stools and constipation due to aged weak body, long-term disease, post partum, post operation, or yin fluid dose not heal after febrile disease, distention fullness in stomach, food stasis.

Method and dosage: big honey pill: 9g per pill, oral taking, 1 pill each time, 2 times a day.

Attention: It should be cautiously used by pregnant woman or according to doctor’s order.


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