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Various Theory

Spleen and stomach theory refers to many fields, and this article focuses on discussing issues of the related digestive system diseases.

1. The function of spleen and stomach on transportation and transformation of fluid and food
Exterior-interior related with each other and they inter-depend on and complement each other.
2. Material effects of spleen and stomach for morbidity of human body
Dongyuan Li says: “genuine qi is named as primordial qi also”, “adequate primordial qi comes from the nourishment of spleen and stomach qi without hurt”. “Genuine qi and primordial qi are the perfect disease resistance equipment, and depend on the nourishment of spleen and stomach. The deficiency of spleen and stomach weaken the disease resistance ability of human body and are easy to suffer from disease, therefore, Dongyuan Li have put forward a argument that “many diseases will be caused if spleen and stomach are hurt”.
3. Pathogenic factors of spleen and stomach
“Spleen and stomach theory” thinks that “stomach will be hurt if overeat, while spleen will be hurt if fatigue”. Dongyuan Li says that: “spleen and stomach are hurt by excess of wind, coldness, heat, damp and dryness” and the most common one is that spleen and stomach are hurt by excess of damp. The mental factors are the important aspect also for morbidity of spleen and stomach, besides, transverse invasion of the hyperactive liver qi and deficiency of fire from gate of life effect on morbidity of spleen and stomach also.
4. Basic principles of regulating spleen and stomach
(1) Warm and tonify yang qi of spleen and stomach; e.g. Fu Gui Li Zhong Wan, Si Shen Wan, etc.
(2) Nourish yin and fluid of spleen and stomach; e.g. Yi Wei Tang, Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang, etc.
(3) Eliminate stagnation of spleen and stomach by catharsis (promoting digestion); for catharsis, e.g. Da Cheng Qi Tang, Xian Xiong Tang and San Wu Bei Ji Wan, etc; for promoting digestion, e.g. Ji Shi Dao Zhi Wan, San Leng Xiao Ji Wan and Bao He Wan, etc.
(4) regulate qi activity; apply Xiao Yao Wan, Si Ni San, Ping Wei San, Er Chen Tang and Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang, etc.

Key words: spleen and stomach theory

Writer: Xiaojiang Lu, Ying Lu

The first people's hospital of Huangyan, Zhejiang province (318020)


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