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Benefit Spleen, Stomach, Intestine & Anorectal
Ingredients: Dang Shen, Fu Ling, Bai Zhu, Bai Ji, Chi Shao Yao, Bai Shao Yao, Dan Shen, Da Huang, Mu Xiang, Wu Mei, Chuan Kang Zi, Qing Dai.
Indications: tonifying spleen, harmonizing stomach, invigorating flow of blood, resolving stagnation, soothing liver and regulating qi, relieving turgescence, promoting regeneration of tissues. It can be used for symptoms of upper abdominal pain, distention pain, poor appetite caused by chronic-superficial gastritis and chronic- atrophic gastritis. It has the function of preventing cancer; it can be used as adjuvant therapeutic patent herb for stomach cancer.
Method and dosage: granule: 20g per package, dissolving in boiled water before meals, 20g each time, 3 times a day.


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