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Benefit Spleen, Stomach, Intestine & Anorectal
Ingredients: Mu Xiang, Sha Ren, Bai Zhu, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Ban Xia Qu (fermented), Xiang Fu (prepared with vinegar), Zhi Shi, Bai Dou Kou, Hou Pu, Guang Huo Xiang, Gan Cao.
Indications: tonifying spleen, eliminating dampness, harmonizing stomach and promoting middle jiao, inducing resuscitation with aromatic, relieving distention, dispersing fullness. It can be used for poor appetite, vomiting sour fluid, fullness sensation in stomach region, borborygmus, Diarrhea, fatigue, shortness breath, unwilling speaking, sallow complexion etc. It is specially fit for treatment of stuffiness-fullness, gastralgia, diarrhea, vomiting, poor appetite due to qi deficiency and dampness obstruction combining with qi obstruction.
Method and dosage: water-paste pills: 60g per bottle; or 9g per bottle, 10 bottles each box, 9g each time, 2 times a day. Granule: 5g per package, 1 package for adult, dissolving in boiled water, 2 times each day, taking before meals. The dosage for children should be reduced.


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