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Cupping Therapy
There are many cups together for that diseases locate on big area. According to differentiation, 2 to 3 cups or more than 10 to dozens cups can be chosen.
  1. lining cups up: cups are lined up along meridian or anatomy of muscle. For instance, cupping on Chengfu (BL36), Yinmen (BL37), Weizhong (BL40) He-Sea Point, Lower Confluent Point, Chengshan (BL57) for treatment of sciatic pain; cupping on Xinshu (BL15), Geshu (BL17), Weishu (BL21), Shenshu (BL23) for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis.
  2. dense: many and dense cups, distance of two cups is only 1 to 2cm, this method is heavy stimulation, so it is commonly used for strong patients and severe diseases.
  3. loose: few and loose cups, distance of two cups is 5 to 7cm, this method is mild stimulation, so it is used for weak patient, mild disease or children.


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