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Benefit Heart & Vassal
Ingredients: She Xiang, Niu Huang, Xi Jiao, Long Nao, Shui Niu Jiao, Ren Shen, Chan Su, Zhen Zhu (pearl), San Qi, Xiong Dan.
Indications: invigorating flow of blood, resolving stagnation, promoting qi and strengthening heart, calming down mind, soothing the nerves, improving heart function of oxygen supplying, restoration of heart function. It can be used for chest blockage and chest pressure, chest pain, severe palpitation, shortness of breath etc syndrome. We now often use it for treatment of coronary heart disease, angina, dysfunction of heart, arrhythmia and accompanied high blood fat, hypertension, and other heart disease, such as rheumatic heart disease, pulmonary heart disease that have symptoms mentioned above.
Method and dosage: The patient with heart block should take the patent herb according to doctor’s order.
Attention: it is prohibited for pregnant woman. It can not be used by patient with original weak-cold.


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