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Benefit Heart & Vassal
Ingredients: Dan Shen, San Qi, Xue Jie, Chuan Xiong, Tian Ma, Bai Hua She, An Xi Xiang, Su He Xiang, Chen Xiang, Ren Shen, etc.
Indications: invigorating flow of blood and resolving stagnation, dispersing thrombus, activating collaterals, moving qi and inducing resuscitation. It can be widely used for attack on collateral, attack on meridian, attack on fu organs, attack on zang organss of stroke. The basic indication for using of this prescription: hemiplegy, numbness on affected side, wry mouth with distorted eyes, difficult speaking, dottiness. We now often use it for treatment of acute phase of ischemic cerebrovascular disease (cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism), recovery period and sequela period; cerebral hemorrhage, recovery period and sequela period of subarachnoid hemorrhage; heart disease due to coronary atherosclerotic, angina; acute and dated myocardial infarction that has blood stagnation obstruction symptoms.
Method and dosage: honey pills: 9g per pill, 10 pills each box, oral taking, 1-2 pills each time, 2 times a day.


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