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Cupping Therapy
When we want to withdraw cup after treatment is finished, one hand will hold and make cup little deviated, the thumb of other hand will press the skin surface closed to the border of cup, so that air can enter into cup, the cup can be taken out. We can not forcefully pull cup that may injure patients. It is quite easy to withdraw cup when we apply multiple function cupping instrument – one hand holds cup, the other hand pulls pin on the cup bottom so that air will enter into cup.
There are vapor locally on the skin surface after we withdraw cup, we can clean it by dry cotton; we should break blister with sterile needle if there is blister given by cupping; we should relax muscle if patient feels tense after we withdraw cup; purplish spots or spots with blood stagnation are normal response of cupping. Patient should take 10 to 15 minutes break in the room to prevent invasion of cold and wind after cupping therapy. 


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