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Benefit Heart & Vassal

Another name: San Qi Zong Dai Granules

Ingredients: pure San Qi glycoside.

Indications: stopping bleeding, resolving stagnation, invigorating flow of blood, regeneration of tissues, regulating blood, and promoting qi. It can be used for bleeding due to internal injury and trauma, weak and anemia due to stagnation, paralysis and hemiplegy caused by stroke, wound healing of post partum and postoperative. It is effective for cardio-cerebral vascular obstructive disease because it has pharmacological function of improving blood circulation and enhancing immunity.

Method and dosage: Tablets: 20mg per tablet, 20 tablets each box, oral taking, 2-4 tablets each time, 3 times a day, the dosage for children should be reduced; granules: 50mg per package, 20 packages in each box, dissolving in boiled water, 1-2 packages each time, 3 times a day.


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