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Promote Urination & Reserve Urine

Another name: Kong Xian Dan

Indications: resolving phlegm, dispersing fluid retention. It can be used for phlegm and slaver obstructing in chest, secret anguish of chest and hypochondrium, cough and asthma with severe pain, phlegm is difficult to cough out, scrofula, nodule. We now often use it for bronchitis, pneumonia, large amount of secretion blocking air way, chronic lymph inflammation, neck lymph scrofula, bone tuberculosis, cold abscess, ascites due to cirrhosis, exudative pleurisy, late schistosomiasis ascites etc.

Method and Dosage: paste pills: 3g per pill, oral taking with warm water, or Chinese date soup or rice water, 1-3g each time, 1-2 times per day.

Attention: You should not use it without strong body condition. It is prohibited to use for pregnant woman. It can not be used together with Gan Cao.


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