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Ingredients: Du Zhong, Gu Sui Bu, Mu Gua, Hai Feng Teng, Bai Zhi, Luo Shi Teng, Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui etc.

Indications: warming meridians and dispersing cold, invigorating flow of blood, activating collaterals, softening hardness to dissipate stagnation, dispelling stagnation and stopping pain. It can be used for treatment of cervical, lumbar, limbs joints, finger joints, calcaneus bone hyperplasia, as well as headache, dizziness, limbs numbness, joint pain, activities inconvenience, lumbar muscle strain, sciatica etc due to joint cavity narrow and cervical bone hyperplasia.

Dosage and method: Topical liniment: 50ml per bottle, smearing affected area, 5-10ml each time, 3-5 times each day, 1 month is one course.

Attention: The dosage must be assured every time, otherwise, the effective concentration can not be formed, it will not get good effect. The therapeutic effect will improve if you perform repeat knead on affected area. You should persevere in using medicine during therapeutic period, can not stop in midway. It is prohibited to oral take and smear on wound area.


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