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Ingredients: Chuan Wu, Cao Wu, Ma Huang, Hong Hua, Mu Gua, Wu Mei, Gan Cao.

Indications: pungency and heat dispersing cold, invigorating collaterals, stopping pain, soothing tendons and reducing acute symptom. It can be used for limbs and joints pain due to wind-cold obstructing in tendons and bones, some area or more areas, as one falls, another rises, the color of affected skin area is not changed, or there is dark red lump in affected skin area, it is firm and pain when pressing, or there are joint turgidity and dysfunction of activities etc.

Dosage and method: water-paste form: 12g per package, 6g each time, 2 times per day, oral taking with warm water before meals.

Contraindication: pregnant woman.


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