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Dispel Wind-Damp for Bi Syndrome

Ingredients: Gou Ji, Jin Ying Zi, ji Xue Teng, Sang Ji Sheng, Hei Lao Hu, Tu Si Zi, Qian Jin Ba, Niu Da Li, Nu Zhen Zi.
Indications: strengthening lumbar and tonifying kidney, nourishing blood, dispelling wind-damp. It can be used for lumbar pain due to kidney deficiency, soreness and weakness, frequent urine, spermatorrhea, rheumatic bone pain, insomnia; the main indications are kidney deficiency, trauma, wind-damp lumbar pain. We now often use it for chronic nephritis, lumbar muscle strain, rheumatoid arthritis, neurosis etc.

Dosage and method: pills: 62.5g per bottle, oral taking, 3.5g each time, 2-3 times every day.

Contraindication: common cold with fever and the whole body pain.


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