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Improve Vision

Ingredients: Mi Meng Hua, Ji Li (fry with salt), Ju Hua, Mu Zei, She Tui, Chan Tui, Jing Jie Sui, Man Jing Zi, Bo He, Dang Gui, Gan Cao, Huang Lian, Hua Jiao, Di Gu Pi, Zhu Shi Zi, Tian Hua Fen, Gan Cao.

Indications: dispersing wind, brightening eyes, relieving nebula. It can be used for inactive corneal opacity, blurry eyesight, secret anguish, tears. We now often use it for scar measles keratitis, austin trip corneal ulcer etc which belong to upward attack of wind fire of liver meridian.

Dosage and method: pills: 9g per pill, oral taking, 1 pill each time, 2 times every day.


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