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Treatment Rule and Prevention

Zheng qi is the ability of body resistance against disease. Xie qi is the pathogenic factors. Strengthening the zheng qi and dispelling xie qi are two differing therapeutic principles. Generally, strengthening the zheng qi is used where body resistance is weak and pathogenic factors are not strong; dispelling xie qi is applied to cases which have excessive pathogenic factors with an unweakened body resistance. However, strengthening zheng qi and dispelling xie qi are togather used in some cases. The simultaneous strengthening of zheng qi and dispelling of xie qi is applied in cases of weak body resistance where pathogenic factors are in excess. When this principle is applied, one must differentiate between what is primary and what is secondary. In strengthening zheng qi, allow for pathogenic factors, and when dispelling pathogenic factors, do not influence the body resistance. It is necessary to make the principles complement each other.

Key Words: Zheng Qi, Strengthen, Xie Qi, dispel


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