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Transform Phlegm, Stop Coughing  and Asthma

Another name: Ju Hong Tan Ke Oral Solution, Ju Hong Tan Ke Jian Electuary

Ingredients: Ju Hong, Fu Ling, bitter Xing Ren, Wu Wei Zi, Ban Xia (prepared), Gan Cao, Bai Qian, Bai Bu, Zhe Tang (sucrose) etc.

Indications: regulating lung, tonifying spleen, stopping cough, eliminating phlegm. It can be used for cough due to phlegm-dampness, phlegm fluid retention etc, the symptoms include cough with white sputum, it is difficult to lie down during coughing, rattling sound in throat, white tongue coating, slippery pulse. We now use it for treatment of above symptoms caused by bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, silicosis etc.

Dosage: Oral taking, Granule: 10g per package, 1 package per time, 2 times each day, dissolving in warm water; Oral solution: 10ml per bottle, 10-30ml per time, 2 times every day; electuary: 100g per bottle, 10-20g each time, 3 times every day.


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