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Six Evils - Cold

Posted by: admin on Aug 29, 2008 - 01:38 AM

Cold evil invades the superficial part of the body, resulting in closed interspace of muscle, manifested as superficial excess syndrome, such as aversion to cold and anhidrosis. Defensive yang fights against cold evil, marked by fever. When the lung is attacked by cold evil, the lung qi will be stagnated, marked by cough and asthma. Cold evil invades meridians and causes spasm, manifested by headache and body ache. Cold evil enters directly three yin meridians, impairs yang qi, disorders qi ascending and descending, and manifested by vomiting, Diarrhea, stomach pain. Cold evil coagulates and obstructs, marked as acute pain. Tense pulse, white tongue coating are manifestations marking the cold evil. Difficulty of bending and stretching of joints and arthralgia result from cold evil stagnated in joints.

Pathogenic Characteristics of Cold Evil:
A. Cold evil is a yin evil and impairs yang-qi, so the qi in UB Meridian of Taiyang is always first attacked by cold. Body fluid flowing bases on the function of bladder. If bladder fails to order it, fluid will be stagnated, marked as vomiting and diarrhea.
B. Cold evil coagulate and obstructs, and those lead to blood and qi stagnation, marked as pain all over the body, anhidrosis, cramps tendons.

Key Words: six evils, cold


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