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1. Excessive fire evil
Excess heat and fire evil are main evil in this type. The symptoms includes hard swollen gums, red gums with pain, even the pain transfers to cheek and affects chewing, it may combine with fever, thirsty,  oral ulcers, tongue ulcers, distention tongue, even the gums festering etc. We took Qing Wei San as basic prescription with modification for treatment, and got satisfied treatment effect. The prescription ingredients: Sheng Ma, Huang Lian, Sheng Di Huang, raw Shi Gao, Dang Gui, Mu Dan Pi, Gan Cao are the basis herbs, adding Fang Feng, Jing Jie, Xi Xin to expel wind disperse evil if there is inapparent heat sign but severe restricted opening mouth; adding Xuan Shen, Mai Men Dong, increasing the dosage of Sheng Di Huang to help bowel movement and clean heat if there is dry and hard stools; adding Niu Bang Zi, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao etc if there is severe local heat sign.

2. Flaring up of deficiency fire
There is no caries in teeth, toothache is not severe or toothache occurs sometimes, gums are not red and swollen or it is slight swollen without affecting cheek, gums’ color is dark or black purple, both deep thread pulses. We usually use Yang He Tang with modification for treatment. The prescription includes Ma Huang, Shu Di Huang, Bai Jie Zi, Pao Jiang, Gan Cao, Rou Gui, Lu Jiao Jiao, Bai Shao Yao, Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui. Adding Sheng Di Huang, Mai Men Dong, Tian Men Dong if there is obvious yin deficiency; removing Shu Di Huang, adding Sheng Di Huang, Zhi Mu, Huang Bai, Dan Shen, small dosage of Da Huang if there is excessive fire; adding Dang Gui with big dosage, E Jiao, Long Yan Rou etc if there is obvious blood deficiency.

3. Deficiency of kidney yang
The main symptom is Chronic Recurrent toothache, the pain dose not severe but it is continued, dysplasia or even shrinking gums, teeth are withered, loose, unable to bite, small tongue, dry mouth, red throat, poor chewing capability. Some patients’ teeth are dark brown. The symptom generally includes combination of fatigue, soreness sensation in lumbar region and knees, cold and cool four limbs. For female, the symptom also includes thin and small amount of menstruation, for male, there is spermatorrhea. Pale or gloom face, both deep weak pulses especially in both Chi pulses, or deep-weak-thread-rapid pulse. The prescription includes Gu Sui Bu, Bu Gu Zhi, Shan Zhu Yu, Shu Di Huang, Fu Ling, Ze Xie, Mu Dan Pi, Xu Duan, Rou Gui, Fu Zi, Xiao Hui Xiang, Bai Zhi, Rou Cong Rong are basic prescription.

In addition, the writer get one experienced prescription by chance in clinic, basic prescription: Jing Jie 6g, Fang Feng 6g, Qing Pi 6g, raw Di Huang 6g, Sheng Ma 6g, Shi Gao 6g, Gan Cao 3g.

Herbs of cooperation:
Cooperating with Long Dan Cao 6g, Qiang Huo 6g if there is toothache in left superior molar; cooperating with Chai Hu 6g, Bo He 6g if there is toothache in left inferior molar.
Cooperating with Sheng Da Huang 6g, Zhi Ke 6g if there is toothache in right superior molar; cooperating with Huang Qin 6g, Jie Geng 6g is there is toothache in right inferior molar.
Cooperating with Mai Men Dong 6g, Huang Lian 6g if there is toothache in superior incisor; Zhi Mu 6g, Huang Bai 6g if there is toothache in inferior incisor; adding all above herbs based on basic prescription if there is all toothache.

Key words: treatment according to differentiation, toothache

Writer: Ning Liu
Dental department, Xin Ji city No.2 hospital, Hebei province (052360)


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