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Scalp Acupuncture

Location: To draw two parallel lines 1 cm beside the anterio-posterior median line, 3 cm in length, from a point 1 cm to the front of the upper end of motor area to a point 1 cm to the back of the upper end of sensory area.

Function: Pain, numbness and paralysis of the contralateral side of the back and contralateral leg. Bed-wetting of babies, cortical frequent micturition, cortical dysuria, cortical incontinence of urination and prolapse of anus by needling stimulation on both sides. Frequent and urgent urination due to acute cystitis, thirst, diuresis and increase of water intake due to diabetes mellitus, emission and prolapse of uterus by needling stimulation on both sides of the reproductive area and this area. Irritable colon and Diarrhea due to some other causes by needling stimulation on both sides of the intestine area and this area. Hyperplasia syndrome of cervical and lumbar vertebrae by stimulating both sides of the upper two-fifths of the sensory area and this area.


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