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The writer treats the children’s drug anthema due to application of antibiotics, sulfanilamide species medicine, antipyretic and analgesic and Chinese herbs or pattern Chinese herbs, gets satisfied treatment effect in clinic. There are 55 children patients in this group, 16 cases of them have the symptoms of large piece of red dropsical urticaria or atlas pattern dropsical erythema, the skin injury spreads to large area until to trunk, four limbs and head-face. 8 cases of them have the symptoms of scattered small red urticaria, 21 cases of them have the combination symptoms of head-face and hands-feet vascular nerval edema, 3 cases of them have the combination symptoms of multilateral red urticaria and a majority of cutaneous itch, also symptoms of fever, fullness sensation on chest, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting etc which belong to digestion symptoms, 4 cases of them have the symptoms of temporary swoon that presents mild shock symptom. Treatment method: Fang Feng, Zi Cao, Ku Shen, Pu Gong Ying, Sheng Di Huang, Tu Fu Ling, Jin Yin Hua, Chi Shao Yao, raw Da Huang (decoct later), Che Qian Zi, Mu Dan Pi, Gan Cao, Water decocting, 3 times per day. It is the dosage for 6 years old child, you should modify the dosage according to the age of child. Adding Zhu Ru, Ban Xia if there are nausea and vomiting; adding Chen Pi and Cang Zhu if there are fullness sensation on chest, poor appetite; adding Mu Xiang and Hou Pu if there is distention pain in abdomen; adding Ma Huang, Zhe Bei Mu, Jie Geng if there are cough and urgent breathing; adding Ban Lan Gen and Gua Lou Pi if there is virus herpes.

Treatment result: total effective rate is 96%.

Key words: children’s drug anthema, herb treatment

Writer: Shaoqiong Fang
TCM department, Women and children’s hospital, Shenzhen city, Guang Dong province (518028)


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