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Posted by: admin on Feb 03, 2008 - 07:14 PM
Internal Medicine

Type 1: Decline of vital-gate fire
The penis is difficult to erect, frequent spermatorrhea, thin and cold sperm, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitation, shortness of breath, pallor, lassitude, soreness and weakness of the loins and knees, intolerance of coldness, cold limbs, pale tongue with white fur, tiny and weak pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Benefiting the liver and kidney. Select the points from the Ren Meridian and three Yin Meridianss of the feet. Reinforcing method is adopted and moxibustion is used.
Selection of points:
Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine (RN4), Sanyinjiao (SP6) (Sanyinjiao (SP6)), Zhishi (BL52) (Zhishi (BL52)), and Shenshu (BL23) (Shenshu (BL23)).
Type 2: Downward invasion of damp-heat:
Weak and temporary erection of the penis, often with premature ejaculation and dampness in the scrotum,; soreness and heaviness of the lower limbs, yellow and dark urine, yellow and greasy fur, soft and rapid pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Clearing away and promoting elimination of dampness and heat. Select the points from the Ren Meridian and three Yin Meridianss of the feet. Use reducing method.
Guanyuan (RN4), Sanyinjiao (SP6), Shangliao (BL31) (Shangliao (BL31)), Ciliao (BL32) (Ciliao (BL32)), Zhongliao (BL33) (Zhongliao (BL33)), Xialiao (Xialiao (BL34)), Yinlingquan (SP9) He-Sea Point (Yinlingquan (SP9) He-Sea Point)

Key Words: impotence, acupuncture


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