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Tai Ji

Tai Ji Quan is a major division of Chinese martial art. Tai Ji Quan means "supreme ultimate fist". Tai means "Supreme", Ji means "Ultimate", and Quan means "Fist". The early names were Long Fist, Cotton Fist, Thirteen Styles or Soft Hands, Until to Qian Long period of Qing Dynasty (1736-1796), martial artist Wang Zongyue in Shanxi province wrote《Tai Ji Quan Treatise》, then Tai Ji Quan was definitely named. Tai Ji originated from《Book of Changes》 and means supreme, ultimate, absolute and only.

Movement of Tai Ji Quan including concentrating mind, posture and breathing are balanced, smooth and graceful, so it can fully lead to mental and physical relaxation. Tai Ji Quan believes that slow is quicker than fast, soft is stronger than hard, moving in curve is more effective than going straight.

There have been different sayings about the origin of Tai Ji Quan including Xu Xuanping in Tang Dynasty (618-907), Zhang Sanfeng in Song Dynasty (960-1278), Zhang Sanfeng in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Chen Wangting and Wang Zongyue in Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), now most styles of Tai Ji Quan originate from Chen Style created by Chen Wangting, so experts believe that Tai Ji Quan originated from Chen Wangting who was outstanding martial artist.


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