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The 8 Extra Meridians

The Yinqiao channel has the function of controlling the movements of the lower limbs and eyelids.

It starts from the posterior aspect of the navicular bone(1), and ascends to the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus (2).Running along the medial aspect of the thigh(3), to the external genitalia (4), it ascends further along the medial aspect of the chest (5)to the supraclavicular fossa (6).It then passes through the anterior aspect of Renying (ST9) (ST 9)(7)up to the zygoma (8),and reaches the inner canthus to communicate with the  yangqiao channel (9)and Foot-Taiyang channel .

Main pathological changes: inward splay-foot ,sore throat,hypersomnia,retention of urine,etc.

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