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Exterior and interior are two principles indictating the depth and development of disease. Exterior syndromes refer to the pathological changes and syndromes which are caused by the invasion of the body surface by exogenous pathogenic factors.

Exterior syndromes are usually acute occurrences,superficially located,and with a short duration. The main clinical manifestations are aversion to cold and fever, thin and white tongue coating, floating pulse, etc.

Interior syndromes result from the transmission of exogenous pathogenic factors into the interior or from the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs.

Interior syndromes have extensive indications . Regarding the occurrence of disease, there are three conditions:
a. Interior syndromes may occur due to transmission of exogenous pathogenic factors into the interior after lengthy contact.
b.They may result from direct attack on the zang-fu organs by exogenous pathogenic factors.
c. Dysfunction of zang-fu organs may also be due to interior syndromes.


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