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Self Massage

1. Prescription
Ear Points: Ear apex, Heart, Endocrine, Adrenal, Liver, Gallbladder, Helix 1-6, Apex of Tragus, Subcortex, Groove to lower blood pressure,Heart of Posterior Surface.

2. Technique of Massage
2.1 Press Ear Apex for 50-60 times,Heart for 50-60 times, Endocrine for 50-100 times.
2.2 Push Adrenal Gland for 30-50 times with nail, Push Groove to lower blood pressure for 30-50 times with nail.
2.3 Knead Helix 1-6 for 20-30 times respectively.
2.4 Pinch Liver Yang for 30-50 times, Apex of Tragus for 20-30 times, Subcortex for 30-50 times, Liver for 30-50 times,Kidney for 30-50 times.
2.5 Rub auricle.


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