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Internal Medicine
The author self built San Jie Rou Kong Decoction, its clinic treatment experience is presented below.

San Jie Rou Kong Decoction consists of Bei Sha Shen, Tian Dong, Gua Lou tegument, Bei Mu, Sha Ren shell, Yu Jin, Dan Shen, Ji Nei Jin, naked Tao Ren, Xi Hong Hua, Jie Geng, Bai Ji, Bai Hua She She Cao, He Ye pedicel. Adding Xuan Fu Hua, Ban Xia, Zhe Shi in order to lower rebellious and stop nausea if there is severe vomiting and rebellious; adding Hai Fu Shi, Kun Bu in order to resolve phlegm, soften hardness to dissipate stagnation if there is severe phlegm stagnation; adding Wu Gong, Tu Bie Chong, Shui Zhi etc to dissolve stagnation if there is blood stasis; adding Xuan Hu, San Qi so as to move qi, promote circulation of blood and stop pain if there is severe chest pain; if there is congestion in pharynx, we should use raw Di Huang, Dan Pi in order to cool blood and relieve toxicity; adding Shi Hu, Shi Shuang to clear away heat and promot body fluid production, moisten dryness if there is dry mouth and throat; if there is indigo pharynx with follicles, we should use raw Di Huang, Dan Pi, Chi Shao Yao, as well as keep “Liu Shen Pills” in mouth and slowly ingest after taking the decoction in order to clear heat, relieve toxicity, relieve swelling and stop pain; if there are esophageal mucosal surface cleft, rough or congestion and edema, we should ingest Bai Ji powder slowly after taking the decoction in order to relieve blood heat and tumefaction, protect mucosa.

Experience: the author found the disease always combining with qi stasis, phlegm heat, blood stagnation etc, after more than ten years’ experience, therefore, the author self built “San Jie Rou Kong Decoction” which has the functions of strengthening genuine and nourishing fluid, extending chest-midriff, moving qi stasis, dissolving blood stagnation, clearing heat stasis, moistening dry stasis.

Key Words: esophageal cancer, self built San Jie Rou Kong Decoction, modification

Writer: Chuan Yin Zuo; Yang Ji village Tian Hu TCM Clinic, Gu Shi county, Henan province (465212)


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