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Internal Medicine
There are 42 cases in this group. The prescription: Dan Shen, Huang Qi, Mu Li, each of which is 30g; Da Huang processing with wine, Hong Hua, each of which is 30g; Chuan Xiong, 15g. Be decocted in water, and take 150 ml to do clysis for three times. Control group of 40 cases: take Medicinal Charcoal Tablets, 1.5g for once and three times a day. The both groups are injected with r-HuEPO of 6ku. One course lasts for one month. The patients should control the blood pressure, correct body water, electrolyte and acid-Base imbalance, make up the necessary amino acid, chalybeate, folic acid, vitamin B12, etc. Take low protein diet and be treated for 2 courses.

The results: There are 12 and 7 cases excellent, 26 and 22 cases improved, 4 and 11 cases inefficient respectively in both groups, and the total effective rates are 90.47% and 72.50%.

Key Words: chronic renal failure, Shen Du Qing enteroclyster

Writer: He Long etc.
Journal of Cheng Du TCM University, 2006,29(3): 18-19


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