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Internal Medicine
Observing effect of acupuncture on hemiplegia spasticity of the stroke patients, and probing an effective acupuncture method for hemiplegia spasticity treatment, 96 cases of hemiplegia spasticity were randomly divided to two groups, a common acupuncture group with 48 cases and a balance yin-yang acupuncture group with 48 cases too.  In the common acupuncture group, Jianyu (LI15), Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point and Shousanli (LI10) was selected as traditional method (yang channel); in the balance yin-yang acupuncture group, the acupoints on the yin channels and the yang channels were combined, with Jiquan (HT1), Chize (LU5)He-Sea Point and HT 3, etc. were selected. Neurological defect scoring criterion, modified Ashworth, daily living ability (ADL Barthel index) and SIAS were used for evaluation of the therapeutic effects before and after treatment.

Results: Acupuncture could significantly improve spastic dyskinesia of hemiplegia patients due to stroke and increase daily living ability. The neurological defect score was 16.56±7.97, ADL-Barthel index was 57.20±12.80 in the treatment group; and 21.62±7.17, 30.66±11.34 in the control group, with very significant difference. Acupuncture can improve spastic dyskinesia of the hemiplegia patients due to stroke, as well as increase daily living ability, but different needling plans have different effects.

Key Words: acupuncture, spastic dyskinesia due to stroke

Writer: Ying Hai, Xiao Yu
Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of TCM, Shenyang, 110032, China
Liaoning University of TCM


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