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External Medicine
Observing acupuncture and moxibustion treat postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome (PGS), 41 cases of PGS were randomly divided into 3 groups. Group A, 17 cases were treated by warming needle moxibustion (Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach, Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point, Sanyinjiao (SP6)), group B, 12 cases by acupuncture same points plus auricular point sticking, and group C, 12 cases by acupuncture same points only. Changing of gastric drainage volume, therapeutic times and cured rate were investigated in the 3 groups.

Results: All the 3 therapeutic methods significantly decreased gastric drainage volume. The cured rate was 100.0%and the therapeutic times was (7.24±3.87) in the group A, 66.7%(9.83±4.60) in the group B, and 75.0% (15.25±3.81) in the group C, with significant differences in the cured rate and the therapeutic times among the 3 groups. The warming needle moxibustion is the best method for PGS with less therapeutic times high cured rate and rapid effect.

Key Words: acupuncture and moxibustion therapies, postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome

Writer: Hua Sun
Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, PUMC Hospital, Beijing 100730, China


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